Isaac Physics is a free platform for teachers and students. It is a Department for Education project at the University of Cambridge, supported by The Ogden Trust.
Isaac Physics offers a mentoring scheme each year for Year 11, 12 and 13 students.
As a student and / or teacher you can have a direct interaction with one of the Isaac Physics team through this mentoring scheme.
Each week (including through school holidays) your mentor will set a task - a set of questions, that are at a mixed level (book questions and Levels 1 to 6 questions through the year) that should you should spend at least one hour in attempting.
Tutorials that have been recorded will be deleted on a termly basis.
The scheme aims to encourage you to try out some physics problems as a social activity, joining in with the struggle to solve them. Work with an Isaac Physics Mentor struggling through the problems themselves.
In addition to the direct support that your mentor will give by answering your specific questions through the Contact Us link on each page, your physics skills, confidence and therefore enjoyment, will increase through participation in the scheme.
Platinum, titanium and copper certificates are issued at the end of each year to all those students who attempt >90%, > 75%, > 60% of the weekly tasks.